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Updated Mar 26, 2023

Quartz is an alternative to Obsidian publish. It can be used to make a Blog, or Knowledge Garden. This website uses Quartz.

# This Setup

I use a partially custom setup to integrate Obsidian with Quartz. See my fork here

  1. All notes are in the Obsidian vault like normal, not in Quartz repo. The notes have frontmatter title, created, and modified added by the Linter plugin. If a note has published: true in its frontmatter, it will be published via the update-content.py script.
  2. The vault is backed up regularly, and on exit, to my VPS using Obsidian git.
  3. The git remote repo has a post-receive hook that runs the update-content.py script, copying all files with published: true frontmatter to the quartz/content directory, preserving sub-directory structures.
  4. Quartz detects changes and updates accordingly. File additions can require a service restart to regenerate the link map.
  5. Traefik acts as a reverse proxy to give public access to the Quartz instance.